Welcome to VNet
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Plan WRS9

Server locations

  • Base Country: United States
    Server Location Country: United States
    Final Amount: ₹ 25500
  • Base Country: United States
    Server Location Country: Germany
    Final Amount: ₹ 25500
  • Base Country: United States
    Server Location Country: United Kingdom
    Final Amount: ₹ 25500
  • Base Country: United States
    Server Location Country: India
    Final Amount: ₹ 25500


  • Domains
  • Emails
  • Data Transfer Limit
  • FTP
  • Bandwidth
  • No Of Plesk
  • RAM
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • 8 GB


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